Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Siren Song

I am a Siren
And you are a Sailor.
I'm but a Muse
To a chorus of failure.
No deity, no altar,
My children are my lodestar,
My Trinity to behold.
My story, untold
Lies frozen on waters
Of Demons, of Martyrs...

Hold tight to thy mast
And strong to your sail,
For my Windsong is fast,
Strong, sacred and veiled.

Great oceans of tears,
Unfathomable horrors,
Sick sadness will linger
Once you reach the shore.

Yet, this voyage of Truth
That could tear you apart
Also harbors a treasure...
A good Woman's heart.

~Written 11/22/2013
Special thanks to Jerry Kraft for his guidance on this poem.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I am Charlie's Adopted Father. Charlie (Rowan) is Dan's first born biological Son. Charlie is 20 years old now. My Wife Jenny and I come in peace. We have started receiving Child support checks from Dan's recent employment and we want that money to go to his children's Mom that really need it. My Wife and I are financially independent and do not have any need for this money. You can email us at
